Season 4, Episode 15: Pandora [TCC: Operation Cathedral]

Original air date: February 7, 2003

This episode has everything;

Steve-O the paramedic, Bishop the broody damp homicide detective, the shadiest librarian, TARUben, Claudia Williams/Brown/Brown/Grier, Cragler, Stabler Czechventures, some of the best interrogation room nonsense we’ve ever seen Stabler get into, 2 middle-aged white people...

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Pedophilia, rape, murder

Thank you to our Dedicated Detective Patrons:
Kati M, LEM, Sophia C, Lauren T, Erin D, Natalie S, Robin S, Lea O, Jocelyn, Rachel S, Claire P, Emily L, Orlagh R, Sarah LVW, Nikki B, Kayla R, Juni L,Sydney R, Stephani W, Kelsey M, Nisha G, Sarah H, Neida M, Samantha, Louise M and Jess R

And to our Elite Squad Patrons:
Hayley K, Sonja W, Jennie S, Skye K, Marisa M, Elke H, Annie G, Mary D, Andrew, Rebekah D, Miranda B, Shelby W, Lex, Emily T, Kayla W, Mallorie G, Bonita R, Maren, Vanessa, Amy P, Jess M, Summer M, Melanie G, Courtney W, Ursula S, Emily A, Kate H, Uyanga, Nicole R, Julia P, Sapphire, Kayla, Allison B, Catherine M, Kate P, Jessica S, Nicole M, Acaycia V, Danielle W, Kelsi D, Jana M, Joshua H, Tammi J, Bear (sarah g), Crystal, Lucy M, Tricia S, Sam D, Laura D, Laura I, Sarah, Emily A, Angela D, MAC, and Louise M

We LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU!! You are all making it possible for us to continue doing this!

The Guardian

Global Crime Report

 BBC News

Wikipedia - Operation Cathedral


Season 4, Episode 16: Tortured [TCC: Jerry Brudos, the Shoe Fetish Slayer]


Season 4, Episode 14: Mercy [TCC: Dr. Hank Prins and the Groningen Protocol]