Season 1, Episode 13: Entitlement [TCC: Chappaquiddick]

Original air date: February 18, 2000
Recap begins at: 1:24
True Crime Chaser 39:45

Pantsless murder in the park, not Buddy Holly and terrible Kennedy accents. Come on, guys!

Chappaquiddick Ted Kennedy Documentary

Mary Jo Kopechne on Wikipedia

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Murder, talk of sexual assault, death by drowning

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Chief Jim Arena defeated in his underwear on Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile

Chief Jim Arena defeated in his underwear on Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile

Mary Jo Kopechne

Mary Jo Kopechne


Season 1, Episode 14: The Third Guy [TCC: James Douglas Hill]


Season 1, Episode 12: Limitations [TCC: John Doe #12/Bobby Richard Dabney]