Season 2, Episode 9: Pixies [TCC: Dr. Larry Nassar]
Original Air Date: January 12, 2001
Recap begins at 1:50
True Crime Chaser at 47:02
This episode has everything! A church lady madam, barrels of meat, creepy Jim Carey, Kate Mara as a sinister child, gymnastics, murder, confessions of young teen Tasha, a Munch Hunch™, soooo many spine-chilling adult predatory men….
Update: John Geddart killed himself last week upon facing 24 felony charges including: 14 counts of human trafficking, forced labor causing injury. Six counts of human trafficking of a minor for forced labor. One count of continuing criminal enterprise. One count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. One count of second-degree criminal sexual conduct. One count of lying to a police officer during a violent crime investigation. I thought the whole cycle was summed up perfectly by Sarah Klein, a now 41 year old former gymnast, who was abused by both men “You had this good cop, bad cop dynamic that worked beautifully. John would beat us up and break us down both mentally and physically and then send us back to Larry, who would give us a tissue to dry our tears and sexually abuse us. Then he’d send us back to John, often on broken bones and pulled muscles, so the cycle could start all over again.” so, f*ck him.
Béla Károlyi - Wikipedia
At the Heart of Gold - Hulu