Season 3, Episode 10: Ridicule [TCC: Joyce McKinney]
Original air date: December 14, 2001
Recap begins at 0:24
True Crime Chaser at 53:51
Thyis Yepisode hyas yeverythying:
Gabe’s leaving Stabes and taking the kids…just kidding, she’s leaving the kids, too, Stabler is a total closeminded cliché, April O’nielle 2, DA Casey Novak when she was just Amelia the kink queen, Underdog Dogging Services, inhale robot gets an office position, just a massive pile of badass women…
Thank you to our Dedicated Detective Patrons:
Jess M, Carolina P, Lydia, Lory B, Katarina G, Emily T, Sabrina P, Tricia S, Kati M, Chris G, Nicole M, Ashley L, Karen B, LEM, Josh H, Lauren S, Kylie R, Erin D, Melanie G, Kate H, Natalie S, Robin S, Lea O and Jocelyn
And to our Elite Squad Patrons:
Hayley K, Sonja W, Jennie S, Skye K, Nikki B, Marisa M, Elke H, Sarah A, Annie G, Mary D, Andrew, Rebekah D, Miranda B, Shelby W, Lex, Emily T, Kayla W, Mallorie G and Eliza W We LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU!! You are all making it possible for us to continue doing this!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Rape, victim-blaming, murder
The Bizarre Life of Manacled Mormon Mastermind Joyce McKinney