Season 2, Episode 5: Baby Killer [TCC: Columbine]


Original air date: November 17, 2000

Recap begins at 00:43
True Crime Chaser at 41:09

Bear with us as we work our way through the dark recesses of kids and gun violence. If the episode wasn’t bad enough, we’re gonna chase it with the Columbine massacre perpetrated by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

You may notice that this episode of SVU POD runs a little long. Tasha and Gabe kind of trail off at the end into Tasha’s infatuation with a brutally terrible Soundcloud rapper, old timey hot dudes, Gabe’s terrible double feature choices, us sounding really internet old… and Ted Bundy.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: School shootings, child death

April 20, 1999

CNN: Debunking Myths

Washington Post: Columbine Myths

Forgiveness Project: Tom Mauser

The Basement Tapes

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold: Wikipedia

Slate Article

How Columbine Changed the Way Police Respond to Mass Shootings


Season 2, Episode 6: Noncompliance [TCC: Houston Herczog]


Season 2, Episode 4: Legacy [TCC: Lacey & Garnett Spears]