Season 4, Episode 2: Deception [TCC: Virginia Larzelere]

Original air date: October 4, 2002

This episode has everything…MOM!

Aaron Samuels and his dork squad, not Maggie Smith, Frank from WARRIOR! Omg you guys go watch that mooviiiie, people constantly being electrocuted from the sky, a sassy rag journalist tries to out sass Cabot … so grab your barf bags because we’re talking about topic that’s also a search option on porn sites. Geeeee-ross.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Grooming, murder, child sex abuse

Thank you to our Dedicated Detective Patrons:
Sabrina P, Tricia S, Kati M, LEM, Sophia C, Lauren T, Erin D, Natalie S, Robin S, Lea O, Jocelyn, Rachel, Rachel S, Claire P, Emily L, Orlagh R, Sarah LVW and Nikki B

And to our Elite Squad Patrons:
Hayley K, Sonja W, Jennie S, Skye K, Marisa M, Elke H, Sarah A, Annie G, Mary D, Andrew, Rebekah D, Miranda B, Shelby W, Lex, Emily T, Kayla W, Mallorie G, Bonita R, Maren, Vanessa, Amy P, Jess M, Summer M, Melanie G, Courtney W, Ursula S, Emily A, Katrina C, Kate H, Uyanga, Nicole R, Julia P, Sapphire, Kayla, Allison B, Shy R, Catherine M, Kate P, Jessica S, Nicole M, Acacia V, Danielle W, Kelsi D, Jana M, Tammi J, Sarah G, Crystal and Lucy M

We LOVE YOU and APPRECIATE YOU!! You are all making it possible for us to continue doing this!


Season 4, Episode 3: Vulnerable [TCC: Kristen Gilbert]


Season 4, Episode 1: Chameleon [TCC: Aileen Wuornos]